Virtual Machines Aren’t Perfect Sandboxes

A few months ago, I had a problem with one of my Virtual Machines (VMs), so I fired up Wireshark, and started capturing traffic. At first I thought I was seeing things. There was a bunch of traffic that was not originating on the VM; it was originating on the host OS. That seemed mighty […]

Disable Proxy Autodetection

Yesterday, I was wondering why my PC was getting logs of these NetBOIS Name queries to WPAD:

Turns out that WPAD is one of Internet Explorer’s worst features. It’s just one of those stupid little things that may be turned on by default that leaves your PC open to hackers.

What can you do […]

Keep This in Mind When Downloading Software

Software is a fact of modern life, but not all of it is safe to use. The real problem is that there is no way for us to tell if a program is good or not. There is no software vetting process, no “seal of approval” that our programs are good, so all we can […]