Comprehensive, doable, effective computer security! Wow!

If you know me, you know I am interested in computer security. Well, I just came across a book that, in my opinion, should be required reading for everyone using the Internet.

The Secret to Cybersecurity: A Simple Plan to Protect Your Family and Business from Cybercrime

Scott Augenbaum worked as an FBI agent investigating cybercrime for nearly 20 years. He is now retired, and written a book describing steps you can take to protect yourself from cybercrime.

In his quest to become knowledgeable about cybersecurity, Scott trained for and received numerous security certifications. So, from an academic standpoint, he knows his stuff.

But, where the book really shines is the perspective it brings. Scott has investigated more cybercrime in his life than most of us will ever see. The stories he tells widens our perspective about what cybercrime really is.

Based on his experience, Scott then carefully selects the steps you can take to protect yourself from the cybercrime he investigated. The part that I appreciate most is his selection of actions. It is small enough to be doable, but secure enough to be effective.

Comprehensive, doable, effective computer security! Wow!

What a blessing! Thanks, Scott. You will make a big dent in this intractable problem.

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